
高考英语高频词组 固定搭配


高考英语高频词组 固定搭配

1. achieve one's goal(achieve nothing一事无成)实现目标

2. account for说明,解释;占... 比例

3. accuse ..of /charge... with指控....谴.....

4. act as 担任;充当

5. sth be (in) accessible to sb.某人(不)可以进入,使用

6. adapt (..) to...= adjust (..) to使适应

7. add to增添

8. add up to合计达

9. be admitted into the dream university被理想的大学录取

10. a bird's eye view of鸟瞰

11.a demanding job-一份要求很高的工作

12. a drop in the ocean沧海一粟

13. a harmonious society和谐社会

14.a man of vision有远见的人

15. a well-educated person 一个受过良好教育的人

16. a part-time job兼职/a full-time job全职

17. a stable/steady job 一份稳定的工作

18. a parking lot停车场

19. a matter of life and death生死攸关

20. a newly-released report新发布的报道

21. a ticket for....票

22. a single ticket单程票;/a round-way ticket往返票

23. a tight schedule日程安排很紧

24. a threat to the society对社会的威胁

25. agree on/reach an agreement on ...达成一致意见;认同

26. ahead of time=ahead of schedule提前

(on schedule=on time准时、behind schedule晚点)

27. aim at (be meant/intended to ) 旨在、为了

28. appeal to/call on sb. to do呼吁某人 做...

29. apply (application)for申 请

30. apply theory to practice把理 论应用于实践

31. approve of=be for=be in favor of赞成

32. apologize to sb. for sth=make an apology to sb.向某人道歉

33. arouse widespread concern引起广泛关注

34. as a result of=due to=owing to=thanks to由 于

35. as far as sb./sth. be concerned=in terms of就...而言

36. ask a favor of=ask/turn to sb. for help请..... 帮个忙

37. associate/connect A with B把A和B联系起来

38. assure... of/ that ..... 保证

39. as for=as to对于

40. at a loss(for sth./wh- to do)茫然不知所措

41. at all costs/ at any cost不惜一切代价

42. at first sight乍一看

43. at home and abroad国内外

44. at the cost /expense of ....... 为代价

45.at the risk of冒着生命危险

46. at the turn of the century在世纪之交

47. attach importance to 重视

48. award sb. sth授予某人某物

49. sth. be available to sb.某人可以得到...

50. be based on .以... 为基础

51. be absent from (absent-minded心不在焉的)缺席

52. be absorbed/buried/occupied/wrapped up in...全神贯注于....

53. be accustomed to doing习惯于做

54. be anxious/eager/dying/desperate for/ to do渴望

55. be ashamed of对..羞愧

56. be aware/conscious of意 识到

57. be a great drain on=drain.. greatly极大地消耗了

58.be capable of有能力

59. become famous overnight一夜成名

60. be composed/made up of= consist of .....组成

61. be concerned about/over=show great concern for关心

62. be confident of=have confidence in .....信心 .

63. be considerate/thoughtful of sb. to do sth.某人做某事考虑得周到

64. be contrary to ....相反

65. be curious about (arouse one's curiosity引起好奇心) .对....好奇

66. be determined to do=make up one's mind to do决定 做某事

67. be down with由..病倒 了

68. be dismissed=be fired被解雇

69. be engaged in=be busy doing/with sth.忙于 做某事

70. be equal to sb in ....在某方面与某人势均力敌

be superior to sb in...在某方面优于某人

be inferior (to) sb. In....在某方面不如某人

Eg:I admit that I am inferior to him in many respects.


The present is superior to the past.


71. be expert in doing擅长

72. be exposed to曝光于; 接触

73. be well equipped to do/for为... 做好充分准备

74. be faced with sth. (face up to勇敢面对)面对...... .

75. sth. be familiar to sb. =sb. be familiar with sth. ...... 熟悉

76. be fed up with =be bored with=be tired of ......厌烦

77. be fit/suitable for适 .....

78. be free from worries无忧无虑的

79. be grateful to sb. for sth.因某事感激某人

80. be gifted with有..天赋

81. be guilty of内疚

82. be heavily in debt负债累累

83. be held up in the heavy traffic=be caught in the traffic jam堵车

84. be ignorant of对某事一 无所知

85. be independent of (depend on依靠、取决于)独立于

86. be infected with受感染

87. be involved in卷入, 参与

88. be in a panic恐慌

89. be in good condition状态良好

90. be in a good/bad mood (be in high/low spirits)情绪很好、糟糕

91. be in honor/memory of纪念

92. be keen on/to do热衷于

93. be located(in)坐落(在)

94. be lost in thought陷入沉思

95. be moved to tears感动得流泪

96. be named after以.....命名

97. be of good / poor quality质量好/差

98. be of great/vital/ primary importance to非常重要

99. be on a diet (a well-balanced diet均衡饮食)节 食

100. be on display/show/exhibition展出

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